Category Archives: Events

15 lessons learned during the development of a Model Driven Software Factory

This post by Johan den Haan which is based on his talk at the Code Generation 2010 conference, really dives deep into the major challenges to overcome and pitfalls to avoid when developing a Model Driven Software Factory (MDSF).

Things like the choice of target user, the importance of model checks or supporting unforeseen uses may seem at first self evident. The truth is that when starting to develop an MDSF, these lessons are not something that most people will consider. But from experience, I can assure you that you will find exactly the same problems and challenges defined in those 15 lessons.

It’s well worth reading if you are starting out or in the process of developing an MSDF.

Read it here:

Back from Techdays 2010

I’m back from Techdays 2010. There were a lot of interesting presentations, including the one done by Pedro Salgueiro, showing some of the things we’ve been working on.

There were a few new tools and technologies that got my attention, but no additional presentations on modeling or code generation. They were mostly geared towards building things from scratch for (this is how I like to call them) the “File | New Project” guys :).

A small session introducing the DSL Tools and/or T4 would be interesting to at least generate some buzz and grow the community using these technologies in Portugal. (Hey MS, if you ever need a speaker on the subject, I just happen to know a guy that blogs about these technologies… :))