Monthly Archives: December 2011

Less Mouse, More Keyboard – VS command shortcuts

Using the keyboard for repetitive tasks is far more efficient than using the mouse. Especially when navigating complicated context menus, with the option you really need buried beneath countless sub-menus.

We all know the quick and easy shortcuts such as Ctrl+Shift+B or Ctrl+N, but these may not suit you or you may find that a certain option does not have a shortcut key assigned.

Fortunately, VS allows you to redefine or assign shortcut keys to its commands. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Open Visual Studio 2010.
  2. Select “Tools | Customize”.
  3. Click “Keyboard…”.
  4. Use the search box to find the command.
  5. Select the command to assign the new shortcut.
  6. Press the shortcut key combination in the text box.
  7. Click Assign.

Try to use a key combination that is not in use, or is only used in a specific editor you usually do not need.

Have fun!